Economic Meetings Brazil Germany since 1984

History of CNI – BDI Meetings

The Brazil Germany Economic Meetings followed those of VARIG. They anticipated the meetings of the Mixed Commission for Economic Cooperation Brazil Germany of the two governments. Organized by CNI and BDI, supported by AHK, these Meetings formed one of the strongest cooperation institutions.


2000 – POTSDAM
2007 EEBA Programa Encontro Econômico
2009 Position Paper Alemanha dez
2010 Program EEBA
2011 Final Statement of German Brazilian Working Group on SME Revised by CNI – MRE
2012 EEBA 2012 Program as of June 222012 Release_Encontro_Economico_
2013 EEBA A Program May 10 , 2013
EEBA Agenda 201617 10 2016 Minutes Agribusiness2016 agenda GB InnoForum 2016 – 06.10 SEH
EEBA_Agenda_20172017 4th Innovation Forum – Executive Summary for Comista_FINAL2017 10 -Agenda Agribusiness2017 Relato 1 GT InfraQualidade_ v4
EEBA Agenda 20182018 V2 Agenda Innovationsforum_ Taskforce Industrie 4.0
2019 Minutes GB Initiative for Cooperation in Agribusiness an Innovation 25_11_20192019_Agenda WG Infra Quality_Final_EN
2019 Minutes GB Initiative for Cooperation in Agribusiness an Innovation 25_11_20192019_Agenda WG Infra Quality_Final_EN
2019 Minutes GB Initiative for Cooperation in Agribusiness an Innovation 25_11_20192019_Agenda WG Infra Quality_Final_EN
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