Business Meetings Brazil Germany

At the initiative of VARIG Germany, Finn Larsen, Werner Berghaus, started in 1978 with the support of Gerhard Kienbaum, Brazil Germany Business Meetings of great repercussion among countries. 4 meetings took place in Germany and the last in Porto Alegra. This initiative ended in 1982, then the Economic Meetings took place.

The Brazil Germany Economic Meetings followed those of VARIG. They anticipated the meetings of the Mixed Commission for Economic Cooperation Brazil Germany of the two governments. Organized by CNI and BDI, supported by AHK, these Meetings formed one of the strongest cooperation institutions.

Various business and institutional initiatives have strengthened relations between Brazil and Germany. Historical are the opening of navigation, the history of Hamburg Süd, in the airlines the cooperation between Lufthansa and Varig from the years 1929 to the Star Aliance. Institutional cooperation activities are part of this story. Currently Initiatives such as Green Rio, Agribusiness Initiatives Brazil Germany among others.

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